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With over 50 years’ collective experience, our creative team brings together the skills and knowledge to make your mirror business awesome.

From perfect planning and management to creativity, marketing, and advanced technical experience each member of the Mirror Booth Club team works tirelessly to ensure we have the answer you need!

Fearless Leaders

Each member of our team offers a unique element to Mirror Booth Club.

Here’s a little introduction to each of us.

Sammy English, Founder MBC

Sammy English, Founder MBC

Creative genius and technical no-how. Sammy doesn’t just make amazing videos, he brings everything to MBC – business acumen, technical advice, creativity and so much more.

Emily Quinn, Operations Director

Emily Quinn, Operations Director

Flawless organizational skills and unrivaled customer service. You may not see Emily much, but she is the backbone of our business and brings everything together!
Ursula Murphy, Marketing Director

Ursula Murphy, Marketing Director

The Marketeer on a mission. Ursula brings 20 years global marketing expertise to MBC and she is extremely passionate about sharing it with you, for your business.
George Bohunicky, Creative Director

George Bohunicky, Creative Director

Videographer and motion graphic artist specialist, George can see the world from a different perspective. Thanks to his skills and experience working with big brands he can always bring a creative twist to the final output. attention to details that's what George does best.

Jame McGrillis Professional Photographer

Jame McGrillis Professional Photographer

Snap happy James has a decade of experience, from jet-setting weddings across the globe to national and multinational brand, his craft has been developed to deliver top quality imagery perfect for your marketing.

Let’s get started WITH YOUR BUSINESS
We just need a few details!

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Copyright © 2020 Mirror Booth Club.

** Due to a licensing agreement Mirror Booth Club is not available in Ireland**